Baptism: Please call Fr. Bill to arrange an appointment. Baptisms held 3rd Sunday of the Month or by special arrangement with Fr. Bill.
Confirmation is held in the Spring. Preparatory classes for Confirmation are held when students are in the 11th grade, generally. Adults can receive Confirmation through our RCIA program. For more information please call Kelly Sullivan at 508-885-3111 x 105 or email
Generally speaking, students receive 1st Holy Communion in 2nd grade, as well as Reconciliation. First grade classes are a prerequisite for background knowledge. Kindergarten classes are optional. For children beyond the 2nd grade who would like to receive their 1st Holy Communion, special classes will be arranged for their preparation. Call Kelly at 508-885-3111 x 105 or email for more information on this sacrament.
Call to arragne a date as soon as you become engaged. One year notice is requested. Marriage preparation program is required.
Call the Pastoral Office for details about our R.C.I.A. Program 508-885-3111 speak to Fr. Bill