Food Pantry
Open Mondays and Thursdays 508-885-3111 ext 110 or see schedule for exact dates
Kathy Sullivan, Director
Outreach Ministry
Communion calls to the homebound and those in nursing homes, call the coordinator listed below if you know someone in need of a visit and communion.
Carol St. John coordinator 508-885-3111
Spiritual Life Committee Ministry
Looks after the Spiritual needs of our parish, meets the second Wednesday of the month at 8:45 am
Suzanne Lamoureux, chairperson
Monthly Meal Ministry
Monthly meal cooked and served to anyone who wants to come, a monetary donation will be accepted to offset the cost of the food, all proceeds go back to the parish.
Cheryl Benoit & Sandy Fritze, chairpeople
Martha/Mary Guild
A committee of wonderful people that prepares and serves a meal after a funeral.
Music Ministries
Sr. Choir Sings at the 10:15 Mass 3 Sundays per month - Josef Konkol Director
Contemporary Choir Sings at the 10:15 Mass 1 Sunday per month - Sandy Fritze, Director.
If you are interested in joining either choir, kindly see Joe or Sandy after Mass
Finance Committee
Overseeing the financial needs of our parish.
Ralph Natale, chairman
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Meets the first Wednesday of the month in the parish hall, hand made prayer shawls are distributed to the sick & homebound for comfort and prayers.
Linda Angers, chairperson
Letterwriting Ministry
Meets once a month. A personal message is written to all who have been baptized, married or passed away.
Sylvia Berthiaume, chairperson
Prayer Line
Private prayer group that receives prayer intentions either by phone or computer, all said privately.